Connect with Social Media
Get Social at The Inspired Home Show 2023
Social Media Guidelines
When posting content to social media, including Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest, please tag our official Show handles as listed on this page and include the official Show hashtag (#TIHS23) in all of your posts. You can view a list of all of our show hashtags on this page, to be used as is relevant to the content being posted.
Following these guidelines will get your content better reach and engagement, for better exposure at the Show and beyond! Our social team will also be monitoring those streams and may stop by your booth to take photos and share your booth and event info based on what you’re sharing! As an added bonus, the Social Media and Digital Marketing Center will be staffed by digital marketing and social media specialists to answer any questions you may have while you’re in Chicago!
Official Hashtag:
Social Media + Digital Marketing Center
The Social Media + Digital Marketing Center, located in the Hall of Global Innovation (Lakeside), offers free consultations with experts from E/Power Marketing. Stop by throughout the Show to learn more about your brand could be using digital marketing to generate better results!
Free Consultations & Digital Marketing Assistance
Schedule a free consultation with the team from E/Power Marketing, a digital marketing agency dedicated to guiding brands through the disruptive retail environment so you’ll stand out, connect with consumers, and sell more products. Whether you feel like you’re playing catch-up when it comes to your brand’s digital marketing initiatives or you’re just ready for a fresh perspective on your current strategy, E/Power’s got you covered!
Official Handles:
The Inspired Home Show